Roman law links recommended by Dr. Paul du Plessis of the University of Edinburgh School of Law

Prof. Alan Watson






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Prof. Sima Avramovic

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* Prof. Reuven Yaron: Professor Emeritus, specialist of Ancient Near Eastern Law; Roman Law; Talmudic Law; Biblical Law; Laws of Eshnunna; Domitius Ulpianus. Dean of the Faculty of Law (1967-71), Director of the Jewish National and University Library (1973-78), Chairman of the Israel Broadcasting Authority (1978-84), the Academic Committee of the Magnes Press (1986-92) and of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research since 1991, as well as Israel State Archivist (1990-92).




Recent Publications:


1996. Review of W. Selb, Antike Recht im Mittelmeerraum, ZAR 2: 212-4.

1998. Review of M.T. Roth, Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, JAOS 118: 29-35.

1999. The Nature of the Early Mesopotamian Collection of Laws, Another Approach. In La codification des lois dans l'Antiquité, Actes du colloque de Strasbourg 27-29.11.1997, 65-76.

1999. Sadducees and Pharisees: Two Controversies. Israel Law Review 33: 743-55.

2001. Regulae Iuris in Oriental Sources. In Iuris Vincula, Studi in onore di Mario Talamanca, 479-511.

2001. Review of S. Lafont, Femmes, Droit et Justice dans l'Antiquité orientale: Contribution à l'étude du droit pénal au Proche-Orient ancien, ZSS 118: 388-405.

2005. Im Dickicht der Locatio-Conductio. In Usus Antiquus Juris Romani, eds. W. Ernst & E. Jakab, 205-17.

2006. Der abwesende Gatte in altbabylonischen Gesetzen. In Festdschrift fuer Herbert Hausmaninger, 357-67.






* Prof. Mordechai Rabello (faculty profile): specialist of Roman Law; Family Law and patria potestas; The Codification of Roman Law; The legal status of Jews and Samaritans in Roman and Byzantine periods; Justinian; the Jews in Visigothic Spain; Jewish and Roman Law, he has published many books among which:



1976. A Tribute to Jean Juster - J. Juster:  The Legal Condition of the Jews under the Visigothic Kings (Brought up-to-date by A.M.R.) The Israel Law Review Association, Jerusalem.

1977. The Law of Obligations - Selected Topics - From Roman Law to the New Law of Contracts, The Harry Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Jerusalem, pp. XIV + 240 (in Ebraico).

1979. Effetti personali della "patria potestas", Dalle origini al periodo degli Antonini. - Istituto di Diritto Romano, Università di Milano, Giuffré Milano, pp. XVI + 408.

1983. The Jews in Visigothic Spain in the Light of the Legislation. The Z. Shazar Centre, Jerusalem, pp. 240 (in Ebraico).

1987. The Jews in Roman Empire in the Light of the Legislation. The Dinur Institute, Jerusalem, pp. 120 (in Ebraico).

1987-88. Giustiniano, Ebrei e Samaritani alla luce delle fonti storico-letterarie, ecclesiastiche e giuridiche. Monografie del Vocabolario di Giustiniano, Giuffré, vol. 1-2- Milano.

2000. The Jews in the Roman Empire. Legal Problems:  from Herod to Justinian, Variorum Collected Studies series, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 374.

2002. Introduzione al Diritto ebraico: fonti, matrimonio e divorzio, bioetica,  Giappichelli, Torino, pp. 305.

2006. R.Aluffi-A.Ferrari-A.M.Rabello, Il Matrimonio. Diritto Ebraico, Canonico e Islamico: un commento alle fonti (a cura di S. Ferrari), Giappichelli editore, Torino.


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