Professor Shalom M. Paul (faculty profile): Professor Emeritus, was Chairman of the Bible
Department, specialist of biblical and Ancient Near East studies:
“Exod. 21:10: A Threefold Maintenance Clause,” Journal of
Near Eastern Studies 28: 48–53.
“Sargon’s Administrative Diction in II Kings 17 27,” Journal
of Biblical Literature 88: 73–74.
1970. "דגמי
ניסוח של
החוק בישראל
לשוננו לד
(תש"ל), עמ' 257–266
“Biblical and
Mesopotamian Legal Formulations,” Lešonénu 34:
255–266. Hebrew.
1974. Biblical Law:
Bibliographical Introduction to Legal History and Ethnology, ed. J.
Gilissen (Université Libre de Bruxelles; Brussels), 38pp.
1979. “Unrecognized
Biblical Legal Idioms in the Light of Comparative Akkadian
Expressions,” Revue Biblique 86: 231–239
1979-80. “Adoption
Formulae: A Study of Cuneiform and Biblical Legal Clauses,” Maarav
2/2: 173–185
1984. “Dan 6, 8: An
Aramaic Reflex of Assyrian Legal Terminology,” Biblica 65:
1990. “Biblical Analogues
to Middle Assyrian Law,” in: Religion and Law: Biblical-Judaic
and Islamic Perspectives, ed. E. B. Firmage et al. (Winona Lake, IN),
1993. “Gleanings from the
Biblical and Talmudic Lexica in Light of Akkadian,” in: Min∙ah
le-Na∙um: Biblical and Other Studies Presented to Nahum M. Sarna in
Honour of His 70th Birthday, ed. M. Brettler and M.
Fishbane (= Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement
Series (Sheffield), 242–256.
2004. “Daniel 6:20: An
Aramaic Calque on an Akkadian Expression,” Scriptura 87:
2006. Studies in the Book of
the Covenant in the Light of Cuneiform and Biblical Law (= Supplement,
Vetus Testamentum 18 [1970], xii, 149pp. (Leiden). Reissued in the
Dove Studies in Bible, Language, and History (with a foreword by Samuel
Greengus (Eugene, Oregon).
Forthcoming: "אגרון
למס מנחה
במקרא ובמזרח
הקדום", בתוך: ספר
היובל לכבוד
מאיר גרובר
(בדפוס) “A Diplomatic Lexicon of Tribute
and Gifts in the Bible and the Ancient Near East,” in: Meir
Gruber Jubilee Volume (forthcoming).
* Prof. Alexander Rofe's interests cover the
history of biblical literature and religion, text-criticism and
interpretation, as well as biblical law:
“The Strata of the Law about the Centralization of Worship and the
History of the Deuteronomic Movement”, SVT
22. Congress of Uppsala, 221-226.
“The Laws of Warfare in the Book of Deuteronomy: Their Origins,
Intent and Positivity”, JSOT 32: 23-44.
1986. “Methodological
Aspects of the Study of Biblical Law”, Jewish Law Association
– Proceedings of the Jerusalem Conference, 1980, ed. by B.S.
Jackson, Atlanta (Scholars), 1-16.
1986b. “The History of
the Cities of Refuge in Biblical Law”, Scripta Hierosolymitana
31 – Studies in Bible, ed. by S. Japhet, Jerusalem (Magnes),
1987. “Family and Sex
Laws in Deuteronomy and in the Book of Covenant”, Henoch 9:
1988. “The Arrangement of
the Laws in Deuteronomy”, ETL 64: 265-287
1990. “The Tenth
Commandment in the Light of Four Deuteronomic Laws”, The Ten
Commandments, Jerusalem (Magnes), 45-65.
2001. “The Organization
of the Judiciary in Deuteronomy (16.18-20; 17.8-13; 19.15; 21.22-23;
24.16; 25.1-3)”, The World of the Arameans 1:Biblical Studies in
Honour of P.E. Dion, ed. by P.M.M. Weigl et al., Sheffield (Academic
Press), 92-112.
2005. "Defilement of
Virgins in Biblical Law and the Case of Dinah (Genesis 34)", Biblica
86: 369-375.