Prof. Alan Watson

ALAN WATSON (1933–2018) necrologue by Sima Avramović










Prof. Sima Avramović






Alan Watson Foundation



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About Us


February 10, 2020 After a hiatus of a couple of years, the Alan Watson Foundation is up and running again!  



November 7,2018 | We regret to inform you that Professor Alan Watson passed away on November 7th, 2018. We shall remember him as a distinguished scholar of Roman and comparative law, as the creator of the well-known legal transplants theory, the author of many significant books and studies, doctor honoris causa of the University of Belgrade, the founder of this Foundation and many other things, but perhaps most of all as a dear friend who could always share both the best and the worst moments with us.  

January 26, 2015 | Students received the Alan Watson Foundation Prizes for papers on Legal Transplants and and Vidovdan Constitution of 1921





     January 21, 2015| New Electronic   Publication:

The Oregon Constitution: Legal Borrowing And Sources Of Law - Bradley J. Nicholson


October 24, 2014|The 2014/15 Competition:


Legal Transplants and Vidovdan Constitution of 1921


November 8, 2013| The 2013/14 Competition of the Alan Watson Foundation is announced


January 27, 2013 | Isidora Miletić received the Alan Watson Foundation Second Prize for his paper on Legal Transplants and 1888 Constitution


November 01, 2012| The 2012/13 Competition of the Alan Watson Foundation is announced


January 27, 2012 | Vladimir Petrović received the Alan Watson Foundation Second Prize for his paper on Valtazar Bogišić and Legal Transplants


October 18, 2011| The 2011/12 Competition of the Alan Watson Foundation is announced


February 5, 2011 |  David A. Westbrooke – “Deploying Ourselves: Islamic Violence and the Responsible Projeciton of US Force”







The Alan Watson Foundation (AWF), founded in 2005, is a nonprofit scholarly organization established by the University of Belgrade in honor of Prof. Alan Watson. Our fundamental mission is to encourage and disseminate a multidisciplinary understanding of law, and foster scholarship broadly focusing on the correlation between law and society.









2014/15 AWF Competition Prize Winners

 Prof.Sima Avramović with Ana Tešić, Uroš Babić and Dušica Dimitrijević


The Alan Watson Foundation Prize

Who is Alan Watson?


Our mission is to inspire and reward the achievements of our students. Since 2005, gifted students have earned the Alan Watson Prize for their contributions and innovations in the understanding of legal transplants and the diffusion of law in specific historical contexts.





Alan Watson is doctor honoris causa of the University of Belgrade, and is Distinguished Research Professor and Ernest P. Rogers Chair at the University of Georgia School of Law. He is regarded as one of the world's foremost authorities on Roman law, comparative law, legal history, and law and religion.



The Alan Watson Foundation Paper Series


AWF welcomes scholarly papers for publication on our website. The author of an article published on is free to offer the article for publication elsewhere. Both solicited and unsolicited contributions are acceptable. There is no limitation to the length of papers. For submissions and/or additional information, please contact our project coordinators.




Copyright 2008, Alan Watson Foundation._All rights reserved.                                                                VA Hospital











University of Belgrade Faculty of Law






AWF Scholary Pages











Electronic Publications:

Alan Watson Foundation Series



*      Comparative Law: Law, Reality and Society – first three chapters of the book (by Alan Watson)

*      Globalisation and the Challenge of Asian Legal Transplants in Europe (by Prakash Shah)

*      Legal Transplants and European Private Law (by Alan Watson)

*      Lord Mansfield: Judicial Integrity or its Lack; Somerset’s Case (by Alan Watson)

*      The 'Weak Law': Contaminations and Legal Cultures (by Pier Giuseppe Monateri)

*      Theorizing the Diffusion of Law in an Age of Globalization: Conceptual Difficulties, Unstable Imaginations, and the Effort to Think Gracefully Nonetheless (by David Westbrook)



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