Roman law links recommended by Dr. Paul du Plessis of the University of Edinburgh School of Law

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AWF is Introducing the Ancient and Premodern Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Pages




The Alan Watson Foundation is introducing the Ancient and Premodern Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem pages on our website. This section is edited by Dr. Arlette David, a legal scholar and lecturer in Egyptology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is a friend of the Alan Watson Foundation and has an extensive record of cooperation with the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law.


Dr. Arlette David is also the moderator of the Ancient Law Forum Group and one of the founders of the Israeli Forum for the Research in Legal History of the Ancient and Pre-Industrial World.



Additional Information:

* Dr. Arlette David – Faculty Profile
















Photo of Dr. Arlette David


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University of Belgrade Faculty of Law






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